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Sharp Gothic dagger

In comparison to a knife, a dagger has a longer, usually symmetrical blade with both sides sharpened. It is one of the oldest weapons, developed from the flint dagger as early as in the Palaeolithic Period. The discovery of metal provided creators with more possibilities for shaping. At the same time, they got a material that was pliable and suitable for ornamental decoration. The first material used was copper, followed by bronze in approximately 2000 B.C. Between 1000 and 500 B.C. bronze was gradually replaced with iron. Crude steel continued to be a common material for the production of weapons approximately until the 12th century, when the technology for forging several strips of crude steel to create a refined wrought steel that provided all of the required properties – strength and the possibility to shape the blade and keep it sharp.

Overall length: 260 mm
Blade length: 134 mm
Guard length: 98 mm
Blade width by the guard: 33 mm
Blade material: spring steel 14260
Hilt material: smooth black leather, brass and stainless wire
The blade may be provided with a dedication or a logo.
Price: EUR 225

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